Sunday, November 14, 2010


I will preface this by saying I haven't read this in forever. I wrote it two years ago and it was simply titled, "Hell." ENjoy.

I was once asked the infamous question “What kind of merciful god would send people to Hell” and the only answer that I ever could muster up was, a just one; this of course being a very weak argument that could have been potentially torn to shreds. It was, however, the only way I knew how to explain it. A merciful god would, of course, be forgiving of sins, but due to the nature and purity of God He can not over look the sin in our lives. Hence why He needed to send the ultimate sacrificial lamb namely Jesus Christ.

The wages of sin is death and death is all that God can pay us for the work that we’ve done, unless we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ. There will be a lot of good sinners in Hell, but there will be no redeemed sinners there. This of course raises the question, “What exactly is a sinner/ what makes a sinner.”

A sinner is any man not bought with the blood of Christ, and sin is living a life style that is pleasing to you. In essence, when you live life for yourself you are making yourself God and Lord over your own life, and by asking for salvation you are saying that you can’t guide your own life and that you need a savior. In the end, after death, everyone will get what they want as according to the way or for whom they lived their life. If they lived their life for God, then they shall be welcomed into their Father’s rest, but if they lived life for themselves than they will be thrown from the presence of the almighty and will be torn from Him forever. The presence of the divine being forever absent in their life for the rest of eternity. Everyone wins in the end. If you lived life for yourself and without God in life, then in the end you get what you want, a life without God. This of course is based upon the knowledge that the person you are bickering with believes that there is a God, because you can’t argue the existence of Hell without first arguing the existence of God. If the person you are deliberating with had no belief in God, then first you must establish the belief that there is a God or at least establish the assumption. Typically, I would conclude an argument, by telling the person if they are right and there is no Hell or God, I’m fine. I’ve lived life for a lie and I’m going to rot into dirt, no great loss, but if I’m right, and they’re wrong. Then they will really know what it’s like to live outside the divine for all of eternity, which would be a great loss.

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