Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This is waaaaaaaay too many bits

Do we posses the ability to truly be expressive while hiding beneath the weighty thumb of censorship? The optimist inside of me that often tears at the walls of my mind and screams loudly wants to answer "Yes." The pessimist who lurks cleverly in the corner of my mouth, however, inevitably answers, "No." It's actually quite difficult to act within confines. We are told by our leaders to be expressive and to embrace our God given gifts, but when things begin to creep outside of their realm of control, we're stifled in our attempts. Is this a bad thing? Meh. Sometimes I think that control is needed. I mean, without some law and guidance we'd more or less float off into a space of anarchist hulabaloo. That's right, I said it. . . hulabaloo. Right?

But lack of control is just as bad as too much. When people are given unlimited power, anarchy ensues. There is no control and everyone either falls into chaos or all follow after one person which places that person in the role of controller. So control is inevitable, but the confines which a person applies to another are manageable.

In the right hands, creative control can be a good thing . . . a guiding force . . . a jedi master . . .
But in the wrong, it becomes too restricting and causes the discomfort and eventual rebellion of others.
So all of this to say, "Beware those of you who have power . . for someday, you will have to answer for how you treated those who were beneath you . . . whether it be to God . . . or 20 angry people with metaphorical pitch forks, torches, and strongly worded letters."

This being said . . . Macbeth auditions next week . . . Look for my sign . . . or e-mail.

-Scritch out

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